In The End We Accept The Love We Think We DeserveIts 4.00 pm at the hospital lobby. The weather was gray, with a light drizzle that made everything seems more gloomy. Its kind of rain…May 26May 26
Theres always some part of others left inside us and there’s nothing we can do about itIf theres one thing I realized too late is that no matter how eagerly you want to leave, some tiny part of them will always hold you tightMay 20May 20
On Vulnerability2 AM. Staring at the ceiling, making reconciliation with the shadow. Quiet and peaceful;quiet is always peaceful. I feel my feet are…Apr 17, 20231Apr 17, 20231
The Underrated Forms of LoveMoms preparing lunch. Night out with the girls. Rubs in the back. “I trust you”. Phone call at 3 am. Fistbumps. Long hug in the morning…Feb 11, 20231Feb 11, 20231
Misalnya,Air dingin yang memaksaku bangun di pagi hari. Permainan petak umpet yang tidak kunjung usai. Amin. Sunyi. Lagu dari radio yang selalu…Dec 31, 2022Dec 31, 2022
Bunga Matahari di Halaman RumahmuAkan ada masa dimana aku adalah setitik debu yang kembali pada hakikatnya. Terbang mengotori jendela rumahmu. Atau tumbuh menjadi bunga…Apr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022
AnomaliPukul 10 malam. Jalan pulang yang temaram. Lampu-lampu jalan berkedip sendu. Aku melempar tawa pada candaan yang biasa. Dingin, tak…Feb 21, 2022Feb 21, 2022
HiHi, I wonder, why is it so hard to make a good opening line? But let me tell you, im always a big fan of short sentences. So I think the…Dec 27, 2020Dec 27, 2020