
Aneke Desiana
3 min readDec 27, 2020


Hi, I wonder, why is it so hard to make a good opening line? But let me tell you, im always a big fan of short sentences. So I think the opening line for my very first writing since 5 years ago just would be .. a hi. My name is Aneke, you can call me Anne (yes, its actually only a single N, but I prefer an extra N for Anne). You won’t find me chattering with friends at coffee shop. Yet I can be found just reading in my bedroom, daydreaming, admiring my nature ability as human to perceive reality, or…… maybe, increasing some knowledge about space and time.

In demographics, the world population estimated to have reached 7,8 billion people nowadays, so it would be a pathetic pride and beyond parody if I dare to say, “im not like the other girls” because……… im just like the other girls — I still curl my hair, I sweep blush to color my cheekbones, I like cute dresses, I would feel delighted if I have an extra tutti-frutti orange and strawberry body lotion for my skin, and got to admit even tho I hate it, I also have been through several heartbreaks before. And multiple dramatic unrequited love.

19 years I lived, I have a mega strong and serious commitment with books since I can’t spend time with crowd for too long. I think the ability to read and write are something that make us human — since reading and writing are the only things that set us apart from the rest of the animalia kingdom, I think the ability to read and write are such miracles for all of humanity.

I fall in love deeply with life. and its people. I love the way their eyes sparkle when they’re talking about their passion. The way their smiles widen when they meet their loved ones . The sound of their laughter when they’re sharing their jokes. I love everything about people. Sometimes I feel like I could simply hug everyone I meet.

Its also fun to know the fact that girl at 19 still frequently get asked about what they wanna be when they grow up. In my case, when I was in kindergarten and they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer were…. a princess. When I was in elementary, they asked me again, and my answer changed into a doctor. When I was in middle school, they asked me again, and my answer were a president. I always dreaming about making an impact to this world. I’ve always wanted to change the world and be remembered. Living a life like Malala, inventing the world’s very first time machine, getting a job in UN, or die for people.

But as I grew older, I think my idea was kinda too selfish and unfeasible to be said by any human. Who the hell has the capability to change the world??! Dang, no one. Even 400 years from now, nobody will remember who Kennedy or Lincoln or Mandela or Gandhi was. So am I. Then I decided to slightly revising my dream. Sometimes changing the world simply can be done just by making a positive impact on those around you because there is always a world in everyone — since everybody has their own world. As one person, I never be able to change the world. But I can change the world of one person. So if they ask me again what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’ll definitely answer : the kind one.

And im still working on it. Bismillah



Aneke Desiana

’01. part-time student and diarist, full-time daughter.